Inverter Chargers


Inverter chargers are the bridge between solar panels, batteries, and household appliances in solar battery systems. Battery inverter chargers perform two crucial functions: they convert the power from your solar batteries into usable power for your home, and they can also charge your batteries when needed. 

When solar panels generate electricity, it’s stored in batteries as DC power. The inverter charger then converts this DC power into AC power, which is what most household appliances use. This allows you to power your home using solar energy even when the sun isn’t shining.

Inverter chargers can draw power from the grid to charge your batteries during times of low solar production or high energy demand. This ensures a consistent power supply for your home – because even Brisbane and the Gold Coast don’t have sunny days every day.

By efficiently managing the flow of energy between your solar panels, batteries, and home, inverter chargers maximise the benefits of your solar battery system, providing reliable, sustainable power. Get in touch today for more information about setting up your home’s solar power system.